Financial accounting review (Due Diligence)

Due Diligence means formation of fair presentation on the investment object including investment risk assessment, independent evaluation of investment object, thorough business examination, due diligence of financial standing and position at the market (OR market share).

Both the investor (the buyer) and the party that attracts investments (the seller) are interested

in this procedure.

Main purpose of Due Diligence is to form independent fair presentation on the following:

• real financial standing of the investment object;

• risks to impair significantly financial standing of the investment object;

• market value of the investment object and shares

As a rule, Due Diligence includes :

1) assessment of bookkeeping accounting system and accounting reliability, financial analysis;

2) tax risk assessment;

3) risk legal assessment concerning liabilities of the company and contracts signed.

Audit firm «Rada Ltd» has rich experience in Due Diligence.

To receive more detailed information on Due Diligence, please, call by tel: (044) 254-27-91

or by e-mail:

Additional information

Corporate values

Our relations with the clients, the employees and the partners are based on the corporate values

of Audit Firm «Rada Ltd» as our principles and methods of business.

Our values:

• Neutrality and independence in information assessment

• Professional competence and fairness

• Responsibility for result

• Argumentativeness

• Benefit of our services for the client

• Confidentiality

• Maximum independence in work

Audit Firm «Rada Ltd» Team aspires to be

of maximum benefit for our clients.

We always try improving our services and

we are never satisfied with what has already

been achieved.

We use complex approach, give maximum attention to details and individual needs of each client, try to solve quickly evident problems and determine concealed ones.

Our company’s motto is: we aspire to innovatory and advanced solutions!